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Maternity Clothes

12 Aug

So, of course a few months back I gave away ALL of my maternity clothes!  And now I’m prego again.  I certainly don’t have it in my budget to buy all new clothes!  I was lucky enought the second time around to get a huge bag from a friend of mine. 

This time, I found someone on who wanted to sell some of her clothes for $75.  We emailed back and forth and I asked if maybe I could do it in trade (scrapbooking/stamping items), since I was low on funds.   She ended up just giving them to me.  Whoo hoo! They are moving cross country this week and we made the switch yesterday.  I offered to make her a scrapbook album for her kids and she said not to worry, that she’d rather see the clothes go to someone who needs them than have someone buy them for cheap and re-sell them (apparently someone offered her only $30 and was going to re-sell on ebay).  She also said maybe if I have the time, I could make her a book and she would pay me.  Awesome. 

The Big Guy Upstairs is clearly looking out for us. 🙂

ps… Major tip of the day for parents on a budget… if you have a service to offer in lieu of money, it doesn’t hurt to ask to buy something in trade!

Sweet Charity

10 Dec

If you send E-cards, here are some that can make a difference. 

Bounty is donating $500,000 to three worthy charities (Make a Wish Foundation, American Cancer Society or the National Breast Cancer Foundation). Each organization will receive $100,000, and the remaining $200,000 will be allocated based on the percentage of e-cards sent in support of each charity. So help support your favorite charity by sending Cards That Count!

Also, if you’ve never been to the Breast Cancer Site, you can click each day to help fund free mammograms.  From there, you will see links to help fund things such as books or healthcare for children.  Click away!